This lab required that students arrive at the parking lot of the forest no later than 2:15 pm.
According to google maps, the forest is located 35 minutes away from campus.
I had Spanish the class period immediately preceding this lab (as I did every day that labs happened).
That only left me 25 minutes to drive to the forest (which already would have required that I sped).
I already believed that it was inappropriate to require students to leave for a lab 20 minutes before the lab period began.
The day of the lab, I had a Spanish test.
The test ran over 10 minutes. (I also think this is inappropriate, but those ten minutes made it possible for me to finish my exam (and make an A!).)
This left me with 15 minutes to walk to my car, drive to this forest to which I had never been, and park. The drive is 35 minutes.
By the time I got to my car, I only had 11 minutes.
There was no point wasting the gas to drive to a parking lot that would doubtlessly be abandoned by the time I arrived.
I'm sad that I missed it, and I've stalked facebook photos. It looked like fun!
But I could not go, and I don't really think I should be punished for it.
I'm sorry this was so short and snippy. I've got a lot of blogs to do.
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