Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lab Report numero dos

My "baby" is doing surprisingly well. I'd take a photo to show it off, but I don't have it with me, and I don't have internet at my home. So YOU SHALL GO WITHOUT PHOTOS.
There are two little sproutlings (that's a word, yeah?) in my cup. One taller than the other. The tall one is Nancy. The shorter, Viktor.

[I should be studying for a certain exam right now, learning all about cycles I didn't know existed. But I'd rather blog. I'm also considering ordering another large coffee, because I have that mysterious exam, a paper, a whole lotta Spanish homework, and a Fulbright redraft due tomorrow. I'm not at trivia right now, meaning I'm developing as a student.]

So this is a Google Earth image of the area we went to during the river-wandering lab (which was super fun. Next time, with swimsuits!).
There were too many chiefs and not enough Indians, so to (politically incorrectly) speak. Because of the hordes of clam-counters and stream-checkers, I opted instead to gather litter from the river. This was a fantastic decision, because I generally enjoy playing in rivers and making them more barefoot-safe. We gathered an entire garbage bag of junk in about an hour. Then, when we worked our way to the sandbank closest to the big Spring Street bridge, I found luggage!
(CJ and Cameron can attest to my excited yelps of "It's luggage! Luggage!")

In this luggage we found nothing but a ruined super-vernacular bible and some framed photos.
The photos excited me particularly, because they had been water damaged just enough to look like something that one might find at MOMA. The only one that wasn't completely just smeared water-colors was of several similarly dressed ladies. Some of them were water damaged.

I'd post a picture of the photo that I kept, but-- again-- I don't have it with me and don't have internet at my house. If I remember I'll post it later.

[Side note: Some people seem to be pro- soft cover textbook. I'm an innately destructive person. I'm very anti- soft cover textbook.]

The notes I took say, "Google Earth picture the area of the river we were in, post data, talk about yo' baby, other suff." Why am I so cryptic? "Other stuff?" Really, Alicia?

If I messed up, super sorry. I'll return to this post if I can decipher my notes.

Thanks for dropping by!

Here's a picture of my cats Loki and Spartacus when they were kittens:

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